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This website is committed to providing the most accurate information available regarding Measure O. Please report any errors to
Us Healdsburg citizens have largely been left out of the loop regarding the consequences of Measure O. And virtually all the information coming from the city has been slanted to favor this measure. Another reason to vote no on O can be found in this year’s newly approved state bill (SB423) which gives developers enhanced power to force their unwanted projects on local jurisdictions.
The City requisitioned a study that took a small section of the area that Measure O would cover in order to show the opportunities that Measure O could offer. Here are the 458 units that they have projected could be built in that area. With an average of three people per unit, that is an addition 1374 residents in this small area.
The City would like voters to believe that voters erred in their desire for self determination over the scale and rate of growth of Healdsburg. They have put together a set of FAQs to explain to voters why they should transfer that power to elected officials, government employees and special interests that influence them. Below is additional detail to consider related to the City's responses to their FAQs.
In 2000, the people of the City of Healdsburg, hereinafter called “the City,” found and declared as follows:
A. The recent rapid increase in residential growth is dramatically changing our small town character and negatively impacting our quality of life.